First, there was Ken Greenberg, president at the time of Edge Communications Inc.
He made a strong argument for Al Gore, and against GWB:
"George W. Bush is simply the least qualified candidate of my lifetime. Leaving aside Al Gore´s very real role in marshaling Congressional support to fund the Internet, his economic and social policies argue strongly, even overwhelmingly, for his election."
"I find it laughable that so many dot-commers appear to find Bush appealing. Haven´t entrepreneurs done incredibly well under the current Democratic administration (whatever weight you give fiscal policy)? I certainly have."
"Isn´t it clear that a trillion-dollar giveaway and the undermining of Social Security will in fact be ruinous for everyone?"
He was, of course, right-on.
But then, the magazine featured a letter from a Duke Walls, president and CEO of "Sabertooth Systems, inc." in support for GWB. He claimed that
"A vote for Gore is a vote for dead Internet firms" and that "a vote for Bush is a vote for continued growth and innovation without interference and censorship".
So G.W.Bush
The web site at redirects to a non-existing page at Further googling around reveals a 2005 article showing it was acquired by Cology, a firm dealing with back-end processing of student loans.
And how did the future-reading, Al Gore supported Ken Greenberg fare?. Nine years later, he's still succesfully commanding Edge Communications Inc.
Need I say more about the wisdom and predictive powers of conservatives vs. progressive people?