Instead, they elected a Democrat, whom no doubt will start being blamed for "not solving the problems" (the same problems created by Bush and Co. over the course of 8 years!) about 6-12 months time, I'm sure. Mark my words...
But the hole that GWB has digged the US into is so big that unless the new president is a magician it would take at least a decade if not more for the US to recover from its cronic deficits, crumbling infrastructure, and social problems.
My point is that if anyone thinks the Right Wing think tanks, CATO, AEI, the military industrial complex and the Halliburton(s) of this world in addition to its press corps (Fox) are going to call it a day, pack their bags and go home just because a black democrat was elected, then that person is very naive.
Yes, it's good from a collective personal growth and inclusive society point of view to see that a black man can reach the presidency of the most indebted deadly military superpower. But that's about it. Will Obama implement the kind of radical reforms that IMHO would be needed to get the USA (and the rest of the World) out of the current mess?. IBIWISI. (I'll believe it when I see it).
One thing is for certain: "LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON". GW Bush has proven to be a failure of epic proportions, just like his father, if not much worse... and the low-regulations, laizes faire policies that have inspired the GOP since the Reagan years have crashed on a global scale as well.
I remember when GWB was elected the press was full of idiotic news pieces about the "landing of cowboy hats into Washington D.C.", or that Texas style boots were suddenly all the rage.

Now... where have all those cowboys gone?.
PS: Good riddance, Dubya! and don't let the door hit you on your way out...